Efterklang Developed Event #2 is live! Listen to a new song and collaborate!

You are hereby invited once more to listen to brand new Efterklang music before anyone else and to collaborate with us. Please check it out 🤝

Event #2 of Efterklang Developed starts Wednesday 22nd of September and runs for 7 days until end of September 29th 2021 - LAUNCH EFTERKLANG DEVELOPED

We can't wait to see what you see and we hope you'll enjoy this new song! It's the opening song from our upcoming album Windflowers (out Oct. 8th - pre-order)

Event #1 manifested itself in an at installation and the music video for ‘Hold Me Close When You Can’.

Efterklang Developed allows listeners to hear a new song for the first time before its official release, and to respond to it by taking photos (+video if using an Android phone) while the track plays. We love the simplicity and the symmetry of it, and we are excited to see how people interpret the music through their own reality.

Wednesday, September 22 will mark the start of Event #2 on the Efterklang Developed platform. Fans, friends and curious souls are invited by the band to listen to the unreleased album track ‘Alien Arms’ while responding with their cameras, from now until September 29. People are encouraged to sign up here to take part in Event #2 and help create the visual world for the new song.

Some tips:

  • You will be asked to sign up and to allow your browser to access your camera.

  • Please use headphones and mobile phone for the best experience.

  • If you are an Android user you can also shoot video.

Thank You for participating and thank you Marriage & Joseph Ansell for helping us create this ❤️

– Casper, Mads & Rasmus

Rasmus Stolberg