A short film by Catarina Neves Ricci: EFTERKLANG W/ SOUTH DENMARK GIRLS' CHOIR

Last year in August we invited our friend and film director Catarina Neves Ricci to join us for two shows with South Denmark Girls' Choir (Sønderjysk Pigekor). We love how poetically and intimately she managed to capture the collaboration between us and the choir.

We’ve been working on and off with the choir since 2011, when they helped us with the recording of Piramida. During the past 4 years we’ve intensified the collaboration with yearly workshops, recordings and concerts and it’s been truly wonderful. We are so grateful for everything we have learned and for so many nice memories. We want to thank all members of the choir, choir leader Mette Rasmussen and her team and also The Danish Arts Council for supporting it.

Going forward our collaboration will continue, but on a lower frequency. We already look forward to the next adventures.